Category: Uncategorized

  • DIY EV charger

    DIY EV charger

    I am working on my own car charger. The main goal is to get some hands on experience, refresh some of the stale knowledge and skills, and well have fun. It is important to note here that the resulting design will definitely be less safe and probably more expensive than commercial boxes. Videos I’ve put…

  • How does a URL shortener work?

    How does a URL shortener work?

    Last week, I was working on our URL shortener app, so I figured it would be fun to write about how these tools actually work. Most famous cheat codes To start the discussion, let’s recap HTTP codes. Any server returns these codes on every HTTP request. The returned status code already represents the result of…

  • Stairway to Heaven

    Stairway to Heaven

    I was reflecting on my entrepreneurial journey, and one construct outlines it very well to me. It is the Stair Step Method coined by Rob Walling. Method The overarching idea is very close to the incremental development we love so much as coders. Identify and launch the tiniest possible bit and iterate based on the…

  • Hiding your secrets on the Internet

    Hiding your secrets on the Internet

    Last week, I was working on security profiles for the charger backend. They run on the same TLS/SSL certificates as the web. SSL: A Guardian Angel in Cyberspace Imagine SSL as your internet guardian angel, ensuring your sensitive data doesn’t fall into the wrong hands. It’s like wrapping your digital messages in a virtual envelope…

  • Eaten by Dragons

    Eaten by Dragons

    Last week, I had a chance to pitch for the Linköping Dragon Nest competition. It made me reflect on going outside my comfort zone. I am going to record here my impression of the event as well as what worked for me in the past to get more comfortable with public speaking. Dragon nest The…

  • Plugfest


    As an Open Charge Alliance (OCA) member, we were happy to join Plugfest on February 28th and 29th, 2024. We were the youngest team to test on the event, but the ability to join gave us a lot of insights! Another OCA member – PIONIX hosted the event. Their push for open source also set…

  • Smart charging

    Smart charging

    Regular or “dumb” charging would be that after the source of electricity plugs in an electric vehicle, it starts charging. It charges with as high of an effect as possible until fully charged. Smart charging is anything other than that. Why? So, what are some of the reasons to smart charge a vehicle: How? There…

  • Bidirectional Charging

    Bidirectional Charging

    As I mentioned in the previous post, I am bi(directionalcharging)-curious! Last week, I had a chance to investigate this space more, so I will write about my current understanding. AC/DC Let’s start by describing the two current types one can bump into out in the wild. AC In alternating current (AC), the changing directions of…

  • Build or Sell?

    Build or Sell?

    With my cofounder Simon, we are now discussing how much time we should devote to building vs selling or validating. As a software guy, every cell in my body screams, build, build, build! Opinion Evolution My road to entrepreneurship started like most people do. I was way overvaluing building my idea in secret before the…

  • Pitch Perfect

    Pitch Perfect

    After all those ideas in previous posts, I did not end up pursuing any of them. What is it that I did? Let’s talk about the pitch to investors! Pre-ICs In Antler, they had an intelligent way to prepare us for the big pitch day. It all starts with “tracking-out”, which means we have officially…